Serving Our Community
​Services to Youth:
It's A Girls Life Mentoring Program
In today’s world, a growing number of studies have linked high levels of social media use to depression, anxiety, lack of socialization skills, and mental health issues. Many compare and apply online perceptions to their true life, which is a strong influencer in how this generation of girls formulate their sense of self and reality. However, when girls have an opportunity to see who they can be from strong female role models, there is an opportunity to break this cycle.
Since 2006, the Memphis (TN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated has implemented our It’s a Girl’s Life (IAGL) program, as a way to tackle key issues like this impacting young girls in the Memphis community. In our current partnership with City University Girls Preparatory School, we offer enriching experiences fostering independence, resilience, and self-awareness in pre-teen/teen girls. From museum visits to art classes; guest speakers to workshops, our scholars gain valuable skills in self-awareness, emotional well-being, self-care, self-esteem, and conflict resolution that help them appreciate who they are and how they, too, are a positive force within their community. Our mission is to empower girls, positively influence future female leaders, and create lasting impact in Memphis, TN, one girl (or even 100) at a time.
​Health & Human Services:
Black Family Wellness Expo
The Bluff City (TN) Cluster of The Links, Incorporated introduced the Black Family Wellness Expo to the Memphis community in an effort to reduce health disparities and address other factors that impact the quality of life for the Black community. The local event is a part of The Links, Incorporated’s nationwide Black Family Wellness National Impact Days being held across the country throughout March. Some of the issues include fitness & training, maternal health, dental health, CPR, financial wellness, expungement, glucose and blood pressure screenings, heart health, aging, dementia, COVID & Flu vaccinations, blood pressure screenings, caregiver resources, and more. The entire Black family is included, from infant to senior citizen, for this free event.

​The Arts:
"I AM the Legacy" Youth Poetry Competition
In collaboration with the National Civil Rights Museum, the Memphis (TN) Chapter helped elevate the voices of local high school youth as part of our inaugural I AM the Legacy poetry competition. This year, we honored the enduring spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a vibrant celebration of spoken word, creativity, and community activism. The I AM the Legacy competition was designed for high school students to use the performative art of poetry on topics that identify their thoughts, solutions, or designs on how they envision freedom, equality and justice, for their future.
​Congratulations to our 2024 Winners: Darrian Laurence (1st Place); Layla Smith (2nd Place); and Katelyn Shaw (3rd Place)